Monday, April 23, 2012

A bit of sunshine never hurts!

After months of cold/unstable weather, both literally and poker wise, the sunshine finally showed up and with it some nice scores, although I haven't been running good for the past weeks at Pokerstars, things picked up in my other account at Bodog, I've had several deep runs in mtts, many 10/20$ don cashes and ended up taking 8th place in 11$ 2K GTD and taking down the 2$ rebuy, screenshots below:

I'm hoping that this will spread onto my ps account so I can finish the month in beauty, fingers crossed, tables popping up like cherries in spring and finger ready on the trigger (mouse), later folks!

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Diet!

Well here it is:

Just kidding but as an online poker grinder, we do need our fair share of energy drinks, juices and snacks ready for a quick bite during breaks and I'm sure most won't disagree with this.